Molasses & Mayhem

what are you craving?

healthy recipes

green dream smoothie

breakfast recipes, dairy-free, easy recipes, healthy recipes, smoothies, snacks, vegetarianLauren HaslettComment

i have a confession ... i never used to be into smoothies. as big as smoothie bowls and juices and all sorts of blended, fruit- and veggie-based concoctions are these days, i never really got the appeal. i mean yes, it sounds healthy. but filling? delicious? meh ... i'm not 100% sure about that.

that is, until i started making them myself. there are a few places i might go now for a really good smoothie, but for the most part, not only are the smoothies i make at home way cheaper, they're also way more delicious! the ability to play around with a mix of fruit and veggies ensures things stay interesting and i never get bored with the flavors, plus i'm able to maximize the amount of health-boosting nutrients in every sip. cheers to that!

(makes 1 smoothie)

1 small pear, rinsed, cored, and chopped
1 banana, sliced (and preferably frozen)
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon matcha (green tea) powder
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon peeled and chopped fresh ginger
½ cup (4 fluid ounces) almond milk, or whatever milk you prefer*
1 date, for sweetness (optional)*
1 cup packed fresh spinach leaves*

*if using fresh banana instead of frozen, lessen the amount of liquid to ¼ cup (2 fluid ounces)


how to do it:

  1. add all ingredients to blender.
  2. place lid firmly on top, hold hand with a clean dish towel over lid, and pulse a few times to break up large and/or frozen pieces of fruit.
  3. blend continuously at higher speed for about 1 minute, or until mixture is very smooth.
  4. remove lid, pour into a glass, and enjoy!


it's basically the easiest recipe of all time, but the sweetness of the date, banana, and pear and the goodness from the greens, matcha, and spices is such a perfect combo. the matcha gives a depth of flavor and earthiness to this naturally sweet blend, which, of course, is also packed with good-for-you nutrients. 

copyright molasses & mayhem; 2014.